3 Mart 2011 Perşembe

the past is a grotesque animal
and in its eyes you see how completely wrong you can be.

At least i author my own disaster

(but it is like we weren't made for this world
i wouldn't wanna meet some one who was)

now i want to say obsecure things
and slightly obscene 
and obnoxious

umut esitlikten ciktiginda geriye yalniz eylem kalir. tinselligi birakip yikimina dogru yurumelidir. Ama burada umutsuzlukta esit derecede anlamsizdir. Bu ilkel bir basa donus, dusunceden eyleme. Ama bu da ozgurlestirir
tik tak tok
(koroglunun asil adinin Rusen olmasi gibi bir sey)

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